Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Google Me Baby

Apparently Google has been having this competition to draw the Google logo. It was open to K-12th graders around the nation and now the regional finalists are up and open for public voting. The winner gets his or her drawing posted on the Google homepage on May 22, 2008.

Out of the 4 aged-based categories, I liked the K-3 and 10-12 grade drawings the best. It's cool seeing the work of kids who obviously haven't had any formal art schooling yet and I like looking at the more seasoned artists' work too.

I liked this K-3 entry. I admit part of it had to do with its awesome write up. For some of the other entries, it was obvious that a teacher or parent helped out with the blurb, if not wrote the entire thing. This one was clearly different:

"A Fish Swallowed a Google

What if a fish swallowed a Google? He might oogle, zoogle, or boogle. He might get full before the gle and eat only the Goo. Poogle! The Goo comes out. And the fish goes swimming about."

Remind me to start saying "poogle" more often...

I thought I'd post this one because it's really hard to draw hands. It's from the 10-12 category.

This one was one of my favorites of the 10-12 group, and from the contest in general. Maybe it's because I'm a nerd but I like the blueprint angle.

All of the finalists' logos are pretty good so you should check them out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great... we both agree on the same logos! Doodle 4 Google Rocks!

Scott OBrien - Google Me