Thursday, November 20, 2008

Pretty Please

I laughed so loud at this that I had to show it to my entire office this morning. All two of them...

I guess these are the types of people that watch American Idol. I always wondered and now I know. The best is the girl who said, "He should have won. Everybody voted against him because nobody likes him!" Yes. Yes, that is how voting works.

I imagine there will be some video editing done to this thing soon. It'll be something like the new Star Wars kid or the new N64 kid. I imagine there will be some Palin remix and possibly an edit that has something to do with a reality TV show, like The Bachelor, Flavor Of Love or My New BFF. Please don't be responsible for a My New BFF remix. I'm begging you.

suggests we not laugh too hard at this... Actually, that post will probably lead to an election mash-up. I'm sure of it.

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