Monday, July 7, 2008

Maybe Not

Stupid shit I've done in recent history:

- Spilled spaghettios all over my shirt, jeans and the counter top in the lunch room at work (today).
- Fallen off my bike (multiple times) at embarrassing low speeds.
- Crashed my head into a tree while riding down our alley.
- Broke a pint glass while washing dishes (at least 5 times in the past year).
- Spilled a cup of coffee all over my desk.
- Maintained this blog even though no one reads it.
- Spent 20 minutes trying to fix a water filter at work (only to find out it was unplugged).
- Ate a hot pocket.


fourpoints said...

i read your blog, and i wouldn't exactly call myself nobody...

a side note: daisy broke my slobrew glass when washing dishes a couple weeks sucked...

Cory said...

I would call carp "nobody," but I wouldn't mean it.