Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Rock The Catskills

I don't watch (m)any stupid television shows but I've been known to read about them and watch clips on Videogum. I guess there's a fine line (or lines) between watching something because you truly enjoy, watching something ironically, and reading something about something someone watched ironically, but that's not what this post is about. (And that's not a good sentence either. I digress...)

The thing about this little American Idol clip, in which Seacrest tries to high five a blind guy, is that it's just an honest mistake. It's funny in that Ryan Seacrest is easy to make fun of -- even with his Knocked Up cameo, which showed he has a sense of humor and some self-awareness -- and because it's easy to laugh at other people's awkward situations but really, it could happen to anyone. His natural instinct to celebrate and congratulate was to do a high five. Everyone's natural instinct to celebrate and congratulate should be to do a high five.

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