I have never been the biggest Radiohead fan. Don't get me wrong, I think they have made some great albums and great songs, but my interest in them never lasts too long. That being said the deal with their latest album is beyond interesting. As you probably already know, they are letting their fans buy the album off the Internet for whatever price they feel like paying, even zero dollars. Apparently, the album has already gone platinum and approximately 33% chose to download it for free (according to a poll conducted on 3,000 buyers). Hopefully, the record industry (and CD manufacturers) take notice. I'm not saying that this is the solution to all the RIAA's problems, but it will take some experimentation and risk if the record companies want to increase sales. As for me, I haven't purchased the album yet. I've read good things about it but I just haven't bought it yet. And yes, I will buy it if I decide to acquire it, to support the band and the idea if nothing else. In the meantime, I feel like listening to this song:
It would have been nice to get a fresh look at the Bape phenomenom (sure, it initially gained popularity through word of mouth but I still wonder exactly how/why that worked out so well) but I guess that story's been told before. I just think it's crazy how Nigo has been able to keep the exclusive feel around his company when it has clearly grown into a well-known brand. I guess he had a vision, something he focused on from day one and that has allowed him to keep people interested in what he has to offer. I just think what he has been able to create and achieve is incredible.
Lastly, I found it amazing how a company that's worth upwards of a billion dollars is supposedly on the verge of selling out. You know your company's big time when "selling out" means opening more international stores. Damn...
Japanese artists Paramodel use toy rail tracks in their work. It's pretty amazing stuff. If you want to look at more pictures and read about Paramodel, online magazine PingMag did an interview with them here.
I've been trying to keep this thing going but sometimes it's difficult. I was thinking of splitting this stuff up into a few different posts but it doesn't matter. Here's some stuff you can check out if you like:
The Arcade Fire did an interesting little interactive video for Neon Bible. It's kind of creepy looking at Win Butler's face for the entire song, but it's worth a couple viewings to see what kind of things you can do.
If you're like me, you love How I Met Your Mother. Barney's always talking about his blog and it actually does exist. And yes, it's awesome. So is this.
----- People can be so creative sometimes...
I'm interested in trying out this movement called Five Sentences. I'm not sure it applies to the use of email in my social life, but I definitely want to try it out at work.
Last weekend I went to see Transformers in IMAX. The movie didn't start on time because the projector guy was busy doing something that made him out of breath. It was pretty hilarious. My roommate got some video:
The movie was supposed to start at 4:30:00 pm. At 4:30:42 pm, a crazy white trash lady turnedaround and screamed, "COME ON!!" to the projector room. She did it again at 4:44:00 pm and stormed out of the theater about 10 minutes later but that's beside the point. Who yells at the movie when it starts a minute late??? I wish we had video. That lady was nuts.