Saturday, May 26, 2007

Joker and the Thief

Today sucked. While I was enjoying a nice day at SF MOMA and an excellent lunch at Katana-ya, some moron was breaking into my room and stealing my belongings. I think he (I'm only assuming it was a he) climbed into my room through my closet window with the barely-functioning lock. Things that I have noticed are missing: Mac Powerbook, Ipod, guitar, Nike backpack, Chrome messenger bag, two watches, bag full of change, shoebag, box of random stuff and Jamba Juice mug full of beads. Most of those things can be replaced by spending various amounts of money but among the many items in the messenger bag was my travel journal from Japan. I'm probably not going to get that back.


fourpoints said...


Kathy said...

This sucks. The most.

Dave said...

I second Justin.

Sam said...

I third Justin