Monday, January 18, 2010

If I May

Let there be no doubt: this guy is really good at doing random circus-type activities. Some highlights include jumping into his clothes and doing somersaults on a treadmill. I mean, I can't do a flip or a fancy yo-yo trick so I can only dream of doing both of those things at once. The guy's got skills. However, this video reminded me of something I have been mildly fixated on for a while now: the actual filming of youtube clips is just as funny, if not funnier, than the actual content of the video.

Imagine walking through the park and seeing someone set up a Flip camera on a bench. Then that person proceeds to stand on a picnic table and juggle blocks. After a while, he stops juggling and jumping, and he walks over to the bench to turn his camera off. Something about that just cracks me up. People who film themselves, by themselves, doing random things is just too funny.

I first discovered this when I was watching one of my cousin's friend's break-dancing videos on Youtube. She was doing her dance routine (mainly c-walking and popping) in her driveway with headphones on, at night with a porch light focused on her so we can actually see what she's doing. The video camera was clearly just sitting on the ground and she was by herself. That scenario cracked me up! I would love to be walking through a neighborhood and randomly stumble upon some kid making a solo dance video for Youtube. I'm guessing the kid would be slightly embarrassed at being discovered, which would be even funnier seeing as he/she was planning on posting this on Youtube anyway. I'm laughing now just thinking about it.

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