Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Got It From My Dad

At least some of my unintentional tendency to be music know-it-all can be attributed to (or blamed on) my dad. In addition to naming random songs on TV and the radio, he used to always let us know his favorite songs. Something would come on and he would say, "This is song is one of my Top Five Favorite Songs". Always. More than once we had to tell him that his "Top Five" list probably had about thirty or forty songs in it. Eventually, he started saying "Top Ten" instead, but by that time the list may have been 100 songs long.

I have a similarly difficult time narrowing down my favorite songs of all-time. Maybe a week ago, my friends and I were talking about how we probably couldn't do it. I struggle naming only five songs when thinking of my current favorite songs, or my favorite songs of a certain genre, or even my my favorite songs by a particular artist. The thought of coming up with my Top Five Favorite Songs of All-Time is just too much.

Unlike most of us, Max could come up with his Top Five and here they are (I think he may have made a last minute call and replaced Nelly Furtado with something else but I can't remember it):

Anyway, for no real reason whatsoever, I'm going to start a list of my favorite songs. It'll jump past five songs really quickly but I'm going to try to narrow it down a bit as things develop. If you can come up with five, I commend you for being decisive and devoted to those songs (or maybe I feel sorry for you for not loving more music). Either way, you should post them in the comments section. It'll be interesting, maybe.

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